Saturday, April 18, 2009

February 2009

Between me having Pnemonia for 2 weeks and Berik having "the crud" for several days we didn't have time for much so this post will be short!
I turned the big 44 on 02-04 and we celebrated quietly at home and had my parents over for dinner. My friend drove 30 miles one way, to get my cake, for my husband who had requested a really yummy birthday cake and boy was it good!!!

The weather has been really fantastic, which is giving Berik plenty of time to practice riding his tricycle. He is getting really good at pedaling and can now go faster than I can walk. He won't get on daddy's 4 wheeler yet (which I'm not complaining about), but he likes to race daddy, side by side.
It is really fun to watch the excitement in Berik's face

He is still into puzzles and enjoys lining up all the pieces.
For Valentines day we made handmade cards for daycare. He liked having ink all over his hands for the handprints. He enjoys getting messy! We were the only ones in the class to make Valentines ourselves. What happened to the good ol' days? I thought at least one other mother would have time to sit down with their child and hand make them? Guess I was wrong. It wasn't that time consuming and believe me they weren't fancy at all. Best of all Berik had a super time making them!
He gave me these special handmade roses for my gift!
Aren't they cute!
His speech still isn't all that clear and some words are really funny to us. For example, what are you doing? comes out, watcha dunin? Umbrella comes out , humm brella. We try not to repeat them but they are funny so sometimes we have to watch ourselves. Some sentences are completely clear and others are completely garble. We were going this month for more hearing tests but with all of the sickness we opted to wait until next month. His learning processes seem to be at or above level. He speaks Spanish words really well. He loves to throw his stuffed elephant on the ground and then say, "abajo" (down) and then bail off the bed or couch to get him and exclaim, "arriba" (up). He also knows what is "pequeno" (little) and "grande" (big). He knows lots of other words in Spanish too but these are the ones that he has been focusing on this month. He likes to go to the park that has the, teeter totter, and tell me up and down in Spanish. He is bossy at times and really takes your nerves to the limit but other times he is the sweetest thing on earth!
We are still potty training and he is not intersted. He will go when you put him on the potty but could careless about Skittles, M&M's, candy corn or anything else. He just as soon be wet as dry and so we are wondering when the light will ever turn on. I am sick of buying diapers and in Aug. they won't move him up to the next class unless he is trained. We took him for his first visit to the dentist this month, yeah I know a little late, but he loved it and said on the way home, (without prompting), "I like the dentist", that's a plus!
So see nothing exciting, we are just plugging along and making plans to go to Kazapalooza. We hope to see alot of you there!

Take Care, Gena

1 comment:

Maegan and Tony Van Sant said...

SO Tay has the fishing puzzle too! Maybe they can get together and do them together! What a great post... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GENA! We cant wait to see you in June!

Miss you all!

Maegam, Tony, and Taylor