Berik continues to amaze me with the things he does an
Speaking of darling and sweet, I think we are hitting the terrible two's early. When he is not being good, which is most of the time really, he shreds stuff like magazines, video covers, books (which we keep out of his reach the best we can) and styrofoam cups which don't stand a chance.
Every year, for the past 13 yrs now, I have taken pictures for my friend Tracy, of her kid, (now kids), for their Christmas card. This year we went to the Huntsville State Park for a nice background/scenery. Not really planning on pictures of us we just kind of threw on something that had fall colors in it and left the house. Go figure that our pictures turned out pretty good but I just couldn't stand it that Berik's white socks he had on with brown boots showed, and that I had on a 3/4 sleeve shirt and they had on long sleeves so I decided not to go with this set of pics for our Christmas card.

Thanksgiving day was at our house and my parents came over, as they live here in town. We had really good grub and had some really cute pics of Berik and Mimi and Papaw but who knows where those went? We can't seem to find them anywhere. Finally, I qualified to have Thanksgiving at my house because I have a little one, but in the past I have always had to go to someone else's house. Berik initially balked at the turkey but eventually ate everything on his plate. We let him down from the table early as we were still stuffing it in. Mistake! Berik found my cell phone and somehow managed to put it on speaker phone and dial up Jaimies work. About the second time the lady said , "Wynne unit, control picket, officer so and so speaking" we figured it out and rushed over to get it but he hung up on her. Oops!! About a week later my cousin called me to ask me if I had text messaged her? Uh? No. Well guess who? Yep he had my cell phone again and had texted her, wmmw. Ok, note to self put cell phone totally out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind? We will see.
Last but not least, I think of things for, You know your a momma when... but when I don't write them down like all momma's, I forget. Here are three that stand out in my mind that I haven't forgotten yet...
You know you're a momma when..... drop your baby off at daycare and you find yourself still listening to and singing along with the nursery rhyme CD all the way to work...
while tying your own shoes you attempt to double knot them..
you can turn the nightlight off and on with your toes because of course your hands are full..
I am sure there are more stuck in my little ol' brain just waiting to bust out but for now that's all folks. Until Dec. post, you'll take care!! Gena
PS- If you look close at the picture of Berik where he has dressed himself you will see that the wall it chewed and clawed up. This was the present we got, when we got back from Kaz from our boxer, Harley, who apparently wasn't too pleased that we were out of country. :)