We took Berik for his hearing tests and they hooked him up to the wires and gave him some knock out juice and proceeded with the hour long test. The results......................................................................HE CAN HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, he must just be ignoring us, hmmm? typical selective hearing maybe? We are just really happy that he didn't have any nerve damage from all of his ear infections, we can work on the ignoring part :) . Berik is really into playing with my knee highs stockings as he wears them on his arms and legs. I took a couple of pics one day so I can use them later on in his life to show his girlfriends. He still loves playing outside in his house and loves to play hide and seek. This is the smile you get when you bust open the door . He is so cute!, of course I am not biased a bit. :) When he finally stops playing he makes sure that Diego also gets a good nights rest too!! Too cute!! We took a few pictures in the bluebonnets this year as they were so so pretty! There were tons of them everywhere but the best patches were right beside the highway and we opted not to stop there. We also went to the park to take a few pics and he enjoyed playing on the split rail fence.All 100% boy I'd say! I spent most of the month planning for Berik's birthday. The big # 3 ! March 27! At first I was going to do a train themed party but trackless trains were really expensive and so we the party favors etc. While looking around at bouncy houses, I found this really cute barn shaped one and decided then that the farm was going to be the theme. After all Berik had be singing Old McDonald over and over and he was really into it so we went with it and it was so much fun!! We took cupcakes to daycare on Friday, his actual birthday.One of my friends gave B an easel and wrapped it up very cleverly!! We named the party Berik's bouncin' barnyard birthday bash!! We had the bouncer, two goats, one miniature horse, a bale of hay with a saddle so the kids could pretend they were on a horse, farm hats, farm coloring pages etc.. As my luck runs, it rained the night before and was cold cold cold the morning of the party. All the party goers stayed inside the house for the first bit of the party but ventured out after a while to bounce and play with the animals. Thank God, as they were about 20 kids and 25 adults. My friends are too cool!, as one friend brought both of her tamed goats, Simon and Alvin and my other friend brought Shadow, the mini horse, which the kids brushed and fed snacks to. Every kid played in the saddle and colored and bounced to the hearts content! We had "chicken" nuggets, beanie weenies, and Mac/Cheese to eat. We also had "chicken feed" ( peanuts and candy corn mixed together) and hay snacks (old fashion potato snacks). I found mini barns for party favors and filled them with, John Deere fruit snacks, chicken marshmallow peeps, plastic farm animals and old fashion fun toys, either a top or a ball and some farm stickers. I "bawk bawk" bags for the older kids, that consisted of all the pieces necessary to make a chicken that makes chicken sounds. We gave B, a Lego/train table combo and he got a stick horse, trucks, cars, adventure sets, crayons,puzzles, books etc.. you name it.. he got it. We will have to play with these a few at a time as it is even overwhelming for me. You may notice that he started out in a really cute tractor shirt but after a bit he a little accident so we had to get out his farmer overalls. He did a great job blowing out the candles on his cakeand last but not least Daddy took all the kids on a hayride! Wow , it was so much fun!! I was exhausted but it was so worth it because Berik had a really special day!! Happy #3 to my B !!