Right after graduation was over, we headed out to Tennessee for the Kazapalooza!!
With upward of 50 families and their Kazak's kiddos and bio kids too, running rampant, the ballroom was one loud and rowdy place to be. They had a DJ for the kids and she had the kids dancing and following along with the songs. We met people that we had known only over the Internet, Susan and Leeza,
We went to eat at Macaroni Grill with 4 single moms and their Kaz kids and helped Serena celebrate her 3rd birthday :)
Tues. quickly arrived and we decided to make our way to Chattanooga and then on Wed. we checked in in Trenton, GA for a few days of camping !!
We picked a KOA campsite close to Chattanooga and had loads of fun! Berik caught fireflies and dug in the dirt, got sticks and poked at bugs. He was amazing! He was so intrigued , he entertained himself for hours. He helped his mommy with the smores
In Chatanooga, we went to Ruby Falls and the Incline Railway
Berik is continuing to grow bigger by the minute. His new shoes for vacation were size 12. He is on his way to a 5T but we are still in 4s right now but barely. His vocabulary increases by leaps and bounds daily but with it has come some attitude. Ugh! Mainly the attitude comes with dropping him off for school. He doesn't seem to like it and they say he is a hand full at times.
Since we left for vacation the daycare has switched directors and we aren't so sure about this one. I just don't feel the "love". We all loved the old director, Lorrie and appreciate all that she has done for Berik!
Berik's new fashion statement is, shorts with cowboy boots! He looks silly but we are just going with it.
While on vacation, I scratched down something that had been whirling around in my head. Of course it was while we on the road, in the dark, so I wrote it with the help of a flashlight before I forgot it. It seems like thoughts dart in and out of my brain in flash so I have begun to write everything down now, no matter how inconvenient. Here is what I wrote about my precious baby Berik.
I love the way you cross your legs and wiggle your little toes. I love your sparkly dark eyes and your cute little button nose. I love you when you are happy and even when you are mad. I love that God made your for me I am so very glad!
We had so much fun in June, can't wait to see what July brings!