Tues morning, B, acted like he felt a speck better so J loaded him up to do some errands and about noon, I get this frantic call from J about B, telling me head for the ER, our child was not really responding to him, just staring off in space and drooling. Like a "bat out of hell" I drove to the ER, to find B, not looking so hot. He was evaluated, but no really diagnosis. They attempted to draw blood,causing B to scream hysterically, causing his eyes began to BLEED, at which time, Jaimie called a halt to that and B was admitted for observation. After a long night in the hospital and doing nothing more than we could do at home, we checked out the next day, still with constant fever and still with no diagnosis. He was, though, a little more perky, so we stayed home all day and rested and then decided we could make it two miles up the road for a burger.
We didn't even get to finish, before B looked like he was going to pass out right then and there, so off the ER in the next town, as we had enough of our local ER the night before. The next town was 30 miles away and having Jessi here we made quick arrangements for her to spend the night with someone, and off we went with B screaming bloody murder all the way, until he finally crashed out. We spent a lovely 4 hours in the ER waiting room where his fever went to 104.4 and we pretty much got some attention then. This being a huge hospital, the ER was packed with people, we tried to understand but by 1am we were growing a little tired. We got a great evaluation and a great blood draw from a Childrens Hospital Dr. and we were admitted, to await the blood results, with about one of three diagnosis. Cat Scratch Fever or Kawasaki's disease or Adnoevirus. None sounded great but hey, finally something.
The next morning the Dr. determined that he had Adnoevirus. Ever heard of it? Woo Hoo, you go Berik, Happy 4th of July! Yep that's how we spent our holiday weekend!Poor baby.

Well , that was just long enough for mommy to catch it! Wonderful. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was down, like a dead horse, laying in bed, one minute putting on more clothes than I did in Kazakhstan to keep warm and the next hour peeling them off sweating to death and Jaimie was left to deal with Berik 24/7 and keep him away from me.
After two weeks for Berik total, he finally went back to daycare, but had missed out on, making mud pies,tie dyeing shirts (red, white and blue), riding on the firetruck, watching the 4th of July parade,all of which he would have loved. The director of daycare did come to visit him in the hospital and got his white shirt and they did make him one and it is so cute! The daycare workers brought him a get well card, a balloon and stuffed ducky. He was happy about that! He did get in on making cinnamon rolls, and making snakes from paper plates, which including finger painting so I am sure he was happy with those activities.
I missed 10 days of work between Berik and I and I didn't tell you the worst part. I got DOUBLE PINK EYES, Berik just had it in the one eye and he was better about it than I was. Just about the time I was getting better and going back to work, Jaimie got it, however no pink eye for him. He was out of it for about a week. We had taken every precaution at home, no sleeping in the same bed, no touching at all, strict hand washing, no double use of the phone, like I really wanted to talk anyway. Jessi never got it, as we had practically banished her to her room.Jessi's summer vacation was up and what a thrilling last 22 days she had. After all that time, and with J still being sick, we opted out of the 20 hour total car ride to Alabama and back and bought her a plane ticket home.
After all was said and done we had about 6 normal days in July. I don't have many pics from "hell month" except some from the hospital and a few from after. Sorry once again to bore you but I am journaling for us as well.
Happy Anniversary, to me and my hubby, 7-6-08, while we were in the hospital with Berik. Not real exciting, but we were together, that's for sure. 7 years of Happiness, thanks babe! Take care and I wish for none of you to catch this yuckiness!
A few more things to add. Daycare is fantastic but we are going to have to move up a class at the end of August, which I already don't like. I love the teacher that we have now, Ms. Kathy and there is not set teacher for the next class up as she is stepping down a room.Here he is modeling his 4th of July shirt and his puppy ears that he made.
He greeted me at the door one day saying, "Mama, mama, and as he is wrapping himself around my legs he turns to Jaimie and looks straight at him and says, "my mama!" I thought that was funny. He is trying to potty train but that is sketchy at best. The reward is one Skittle so at the very least he is learning his colors as he will pick out "the one" and let you know what color it is.
We finally found out that one boy in B's class had the same symptoms as he did, right before B came down with it. The boys mother got it too but not until weeks later after I was over it. The incubation time on this virus is long! She had it so bad it damaged her eyes and she had to take steroids for he eyes to heal. The boy didn't get it as bad as we did but it sounds like she got worse than anyone. Yucky! I for one am glad this month is over!
Take Care and stay healthy. Gena