We have been busy with work etc so no real good time to update, sorry. Currently the boys are asleep as it is early in the morning so I am going to try to update this now while everything is peacefully quiet.
We finally got his first haircut but it was a little short above one ear but with squiggly wiggly I guess that is to be expected. One of us forgot the camera, (won't say who), but the lady had one so she took the ceremonial pics and gave us a piece of his hair and a cool kid haircut certificate so it was all good but no pics to post as she just gave us the printed ones. As his hair grows so fast he has already had cut #2 and it turned out really cute, trimmed with clippers rather than scissors, so it is very noticable that he is changing into a little boy (toddler) instead looking so much like a baby. He has been pretty healthy since I last wrote except over the 4th of July he decided to get Thrush and an ear infection, while teething of course. This is the most drool ever, soaking through the "waterproof" drooling bibs, through his shirt and running down his chest, YUCK! We were changing bibs and shirts about 4 times a day. All better now. Only 2-4 more teeth to go before we have all 20. I haven't been able to get a good enough look lately to count as I usually take advantage of counting when he is screaming/crying but there hasn't been that much of that and feeling your way around in his mouth is risky and he still likes to chew your fingers up. It rained all day on the 4th and finally quit in time for fireworks. Luckily we watched the fireworks from our house as they shoot them off from a park which is 1/2 mile from our house. 

He is growing up so fast! At 15 months he is 33inches tall and weighs 30lbs. His shoe size is 6.5 XW. Yes, once again, went to Stride Rite and looked at all the shoes and then accepted the only pair in his size, which just happened to be the one pair we didn't want when we first walked in. They had some sports theme on them and we just didn't want that but we have it now. He has outgrown his pants in the length so I was saddened to have to give up his camo Kaz pants. Bedtime is wonderful as he knows the routine, goes to sleep like a dream and still sleeps through the night from about 7:30pm until 5:30am, has a bottle and goes back to sleep until 7am. Naps are usually great too, anywhere from 1-2 a day and anywhere from 1-3 hours. The rest of the time he is on GO!!
Notice the first official band-aid below after a crash with a door frame.

Eating is going good. Loves any kind of bean, especially, Lima, good on veggies, loves chicken, meatloaf, fish, but not turkey?? good with fruits too and even pickle slices!! Mama's boy, we assume :). 

Berik is developing and hitting milestones either ahead or right on time so that is great!! We did have him assessed just to be sure though and the lady told us we could teach him baby sign language to curb some of his frustration when he is trying to speak, thus far that has proven to be working! At the present time he is fascinated with toys that you drag along with the pullstring and any shape sorting toy. He still plays with the broom, measuring cup, clothespins etc that seem to be, at times much more exciting than any regular toy. To date I think we may have purchased a whopping 3 toys. Thanks for everyone elses generous donations and hand me down toys. HE CAN/WILL FINALLY WAVE BYE BYE!!! I was begininning to wonder if we were going to have to shake his arm off. He shakes hands now and blows kisses with great big mmmmmm,mmma sounds effects. He randomly spins around and around and falls down and cracks himself up? His version of ring around the rosey we assume. He can finally get on all the furniture unassisted, and has mastered climbing up the stairs to the house without scraping all the hide off of his tennis shoes. Even though he is fearless, the going down part may take a bit to master. He continues to love outside more than anything and loves swimming, once again, no fear, sticks his head/face in, no crying just wipes off the water and goes on splashing and cracking himself and us up. He is the laughingest boy and we enjoy that so much. He dances to music and loves the Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog song portion of the Mickey Mouse clubhouse show. If he hears the music he will literally climb over, under, or push you out of the way to see it. After it is over, then business as usual. He says Mama, Dada, Ba (which we think is yes) bye bye and nite, nite. Other than that we are still doing the ba ba ba, and the assortment of other sounds he can make. He seems to understand dinner time,bath time, bedtime and going for a ride, etc... but it just isn't coming out verbally yet. The daycare lady's husband is ex-military and when he gets home from work all the kids salute him and to see Berik do that is funny! 

We went to court in May, in San Antonio, to re-adopt Berik here in Texas and that was the quickest easiest process yet! He now has a Texas birth certificate and an official name change from Evan JamesBerik Lloyd to Berik James Lloyd. The judge had him come and sit up on her desk and she was really happy for us. Much different than court in Kaz. 

I had a good mother's day, although Berik fell twice and had a bloody nose each time, not to mention that he soaked thru his diaper ( peeed on me) as we were going into Pappadeaux's. Not quite the day I had envisioned but special none the less. Fathers day Jaimie spent driving home from Alabama with Jessi but they did make it in time to go out to dinner with my parents. No drama that day, so all in all a good day.
Jaimie as you know has a tattoo for everything and now he has one for Berik. It is the winged panther of Astana where Berik was born with the castle behind it. He got the design from the seal of the city, Astana. 

We had a good visit with Pam and Zach in Dallas while she was there for a doll convention. Pam and Kevin (who couldn't be there) adopted Zach at the same time we did and it was really neat to see how much he had grown. He is so cute and funny too! Berik is about 6wks older than Zach and they played well together and climbed through the table in Pam's hotel room over and over again even though yes, they had toys.

Last but not least, Jessi (Jaimie's daughter) has been visiting us since mid June and Berik loves her.

He goes to her room each morning and burst through the door if not closed and trys to wake her. He climbs all over her and she is really good with him. We took family pics the other day and they really turned out good and it was alot of fun! Jessi is currently on a camping trip with a church group and they went rock climbing/repelling so it should be interesting to see how everything went tomorrow when she returns.

That's all for now. I guess I really shouldn't wait almost 3 months to post as this is really long. We have truly been blessed with Berik and enjoy him so very much and of course love him him to no end!!!!!!!! I hope you'll enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Gena